Fourth Sunday of October
Named “Tarsobi, Tartufi & Vino (= Trisobbio, Truffles and Wine)”, is part of National Truffle’s Fairs Calendar and, in 2019 (last edition before the COVID pandemy forbide this kind of events) reached 4 thoudand visitors, a due success for Trisobbio village, that still offer is most precious treasure of his lands, the White Truffle.

Around our Castle walls, you will find the “Trifolai” (Truffle searcher) exposing their truffles, you can ask for information about the truffle quality and buy the White Truffle.
Before get home, you can taste the Truffle yet in the fair, where all restaurants (Castel, Winery, S.A.O.M.S.) offers specific menus, or, for a quick taste, the other “street food” stands around, with other traditional dishes.
You can also taste local wines, discovering old and new tastes and maybe some new way of combine food and wine togheter.
Take a rest, looking at the medieval architecture or the surroundings, discovering (maybe with help from “the landings” section of this site) also the history of Trisobbio.tro Borgo.