Saint Stephen ‘s church could be protagonist of the first historical source which talks about Trisobbio, in a period around 1023 d.C., it’s possible to find a “Sant Stephen ‘s church”, among thoose realized by Dudone, bishop of Acqui Terme, to the monastery of di Saint Peter.
The church placed on the top of a beautiful hill nearby Ovada, at an higher upper than that of the village but easily visible , probably had a function not only religious but also military .
Its position dominates Ovada ‘s valley and ligurian mountains , overlooks a crossroads , where we find streets coming from Ovada, Carpeneto, Trisobbio and Villa Botteri.
Nevertheless the daily roads couldn’t match to the old pattern, the closeness to the “La Guardia” of Ovada and be esily visible from Trisobbio and from fraction of Villa Botteri . Today the complete area has a private owner but available trough pattern recently recovered into the place in front of the church has been realized a panoramic area with tables and banches.