Welcome to Trisobbio’s Castle Tower!

On this page you can book your visit to Trisobbio Castle Tower, reopened and modernized after a maintenance period.
From the top of the Tower, you will see the landscapes of Monferrato, from nearby hill to Alessandria’s plain and, on clean sky days, the Alps from Monviso to Monte Rosa (and beyond)
Find the landscape marks is easy thanks to the panoramic binocular (free use) on the north side.

Opening Hours:
From 1st June to 31st October 2024
Every day* from 17:30 to 19:00

* depending on events / activities scheduled by Castle’s Restaurant
** Exemption and at the bottom of page
Booking instructions: select day and hour from the calendar at the page bottom and fill the form.
Your date will be used only for booking and not shared with other subjects

Ticket includes only access to Castle and Tower, with info about the Castle and Medieval Village history.
Other services are not included.

We can do extra opening for group of 4 or more people, write us at info@trisobbio.eu for planning

€ 2,00

each visitor

€ 7,00

each visitor

The Castle offers also a selection of local products available for selling

Security Code:
security code
Please enter the security code:




Tower visit (only access, no extra services) is free for:
– under 12 yo
– Trisobbio villager (residential)
– Touring Club Italiano Associates

Due to narrow spaces on lifts and inegual / cobblestone floors, we ask you to alert about people with disability and organise appropriate service.
For more info or details you can write us at: info@trisobbio.eu

Due to small spaces and stairs, we ask you to inform if you have issues or disabilities so we’ll organize appropriate service.